Covid 19


A tiny virus stops humanity in its tracks. Lockdowns are announced which means daily wagers are left without any means of employment and livelihood and will have no resources to fend for themselves and no food to feed themselves and their families.

Starting with a focus on feeding the needy, one of our earliest initiatives was to facilitate 7,000 cooked meals for a cluster of 500 families over a span of 3 days.

We raised funds to provide dry ration kits to 250 families living in a congested Chandivilli slum cluster and 50 families in Sangharsh Nagar.

We then turned our attention to those at the frontiers of this war-the ward boys the medical attendants, nurses and doctors who were fighting the battle battle against this life-threatening infection amid a scarcity of proper protective equipment.

Over the past three weeks we have been working with four hospital in Mumbai and one in Silchar, Assam by supplying them with PPEs, masks and other equipment they require to ensure the safety of medical personnel.

Many hospitals still need basic protective gear. To help us help them,

So far, we have sourced over


PPE kits


N 95 Masks




Enerzal Drinks


Disposable bedsheets

Meal Distribution

Distribution at Buddha Vihar- Chandivilli. We sponsored dry rations for 250 families which were distributed by community leaders. 7000 meals served to slum cluster in Hiranandani Powai in collaboration with Crisil.